Wednesday, August 21, 2013

August 22, 2013 - Maga Waterfall of Long Pasia

Hello, today at this moment, my sadness is beeing wiped out by laughter. My friends , Jenny, Liang Yew, A-cat, Mumu and Yuli give me some never ending laughter. Oh my gosh. I can endure the pain abit and fullfill my loneliness. Laughter and camping through Maga Waterfall of Long Pasia soo fucking nice. A bagpack and no line connection really separated me from outside world. Then, i have another idea about a poems. I been thinking of it and now it's complete.. Mostly =.='

One woman is becoming disaster
Even though a man is still singing
I’m tearing up at the thought of break up
  I can’t touch you, I know
I’m falling, catch me
The warm rays of the sun are of another world
The field of reeds are dancing all alone
I remain paused at a green hill, holding a conversation I’ve yet to finish with her
The sky is of an expressionless face that holds no answers
You’re probably hiding behind the clouds, you’re probably a star  
I close my eyes and feel your breath, I dream of you
A smile spreads across my lips, you’re breathing with me now
Time, please stop, don’t divide her and I
Wind, stop blowing, this is my last letter to you 
I hate this love song… I hate this love song..  !!
I hate this love song, I’ll never sing it again
So I can stop thinking of you, so I can finally forget you 
I hate this love song, I’m going to sing it with a smile
In order to cure your loneliness, I’m going to you now  
I’m scared, this world is meaningless
Take me to where you are, a place with the moon and stars 
We were so beautiful, you know
You taught me what love was

Big Big thanks to my friends who chill me when i am tearing.
Thanks for those who claims they are my lover.
Thanks for the air and tear which approve my existance.
I'll end this pain soon.

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